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Let's Do It

Make You the Priority

Womens, Make Time To Nourish Yourself

  • Time 6 Months
  • Team 5 Members
  • Platform Mobile App
  • Industry Health & Fitness
  • Type Womens Mental Health
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About the Project

  • About-Icon-Overview

    Project Overview

    In this speedy world, where a woman is a mother, sister, wife, and daughter, apart from this, she can be a doctor, engineer, teacher, administrator, designer, and play a professional role in every industry. However, she balances both professional and personal life responsibly but frequently neglects her physical and mental well-being. This affects both mental and physical health, although avoiding it can cause severe medical issues for a woman.

    We have come up with an application that can help women to focus on their mental health and create awareness of the importance of mental health. SHE is a platform specially developed for women focusing on their mental well-being.

  • About-Icon-Audience

    Target Audience

    We are targeting women of every age, and profession.


Requirements by the Client

  • Client’s urge was to create awareness of woman’s mental health.

  • App should give medical solutions for every problem.

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Key Featurelist

1. Manage Profile

Users can manage their profiles according to their choice.

2. Notification Buttons

Users can like, comment, share, and save other users' posts.

3. User Support

Users can ask for help and get solutions to problems.

4. Check Admin Activity

You can go through the admin activities such as meditation, exercises, quotes, etc.

5. Social

An individual can chat and socialize with others.

1. Manage Users

Admin can manage the user's profile.

2. Ad Management

Admin can manage ads on the application.

3. Add Content

One can add quotes, Q and A, quizzes, informative posts, etc.

4. Payment Management

Admin can manage payment options to be displayed on the application.


Challenges-3 Challenges-2 Challenges-1

1. Maintaining Server Load

However, SHE is a social networking platform that faced an immense server load. As it contains features such as liking, commenting, and sharing posts it was crucial to manage the server load and deliver a high-end user experience.

2. Keeping Platform Relevant to Mental Well-being

The aim to develop the application is to help women with mental well-being and self-awareness. There were high chances of spam posts and irrelevant content could be uploaded. We wanted to make this application reliable and remain relevant to its concept.

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Our Solutions

Our developing team has prioritized delivering a high-end user experience. They have used trending technologies such as Node.js, AWS server, and Java as a programming language.

To avoid spam posting and irrelevant posts, we integrated AI technology, which has the ability to detect irrelevant content and automatically delete spam posts. Moreover, we used data analytics technology to ensure that a platform is well-optimized and fast performing. This enabled us to handle large traffic and seamless UX.

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