Google Knows everything!!! Even it Knows when will you die?

Aakash Soni
26th Nov, 2019
Alan Perlis was true when he said that “A year spent in AI is enough to make one believe in God”.
There is no way the technology advancements will slow down. The technology is spreading its wings to cover the sky.
Years ago when I was just a little kid I just dream of robots, flying cars and that came to life now but I never thought this scope of Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning.
Yes, I am totally amazed as well as happy, now we will be able to know when we will die!!!!!!!

Yes, this deserves exclamation without a doubt.
I know this news is shocking and maybe you will not be able to digest it. But fellas, I can say this because it’s already being tested and the result was 95% accurate.
You read it right.
This news can act as a miracle of technology to the humankind.
According to a Bloomberg report, Google’s Artificial Intelligence systems can glean through and investigate a person’s medical history to determine even more precisely than doctors when a patient might die. A big thanks to the Brain Team of Google.
Just imagine when you admit someone and the doctor knows how critical the situation is or what are the chances of death and how many days the patient can survive with the help of an AI algorithm. They will be able to take care of that patient in a better way.
They will make that patient as their priority and might be able to save his life.
So, AI is now a life savior technology for us.
You Don’t Know!!! AI has already established its feet way earlier
What can we actually do with this information, besides being inevitable?? Hospitals could find a new way to prioritize patient care, improve treatment plans and catch the medical emergencies before they even occur.
It’s not the first time AI is contributing something amazing to healthcare. There are already a few inventions that broke the record such as a pair of recently developed algorithms could diagnose lung cancer and heart diseases even more accurately than the doctors.
But those early trials operated on a much smaller scale than what Google is trying to.
To be Precise
The tech beast Google has lately tested its AI software to monitor a patient suffering from breast cancer.
It evaluated 1,75,639 data points in the patient’s medical record and then concluded that the women had a 19.9 percent chance of dying in the hospital compared with a 9.3 percent estimation made by the doctors through the traditional process.
And, as estimated by Google AI the women passed away within two weeks.
According to a researcher at Google, the key factor which led to more specific prediction was the software’s ability to discover the notes of doctors which is usually neglected by traditional medical equipment.
Early this year, Deep mind, which is one of Google’s subsidiaries and works in the AI segment, joined hands with the Department of Veterans Affairs to analyze 7,00,000 medical records of veterans of estimate changes in patient conditions.
Meantime, Google CEO Sundar Pichai last week declared various products and platforms that have Artificial Intelligence implanted in them and are powered by its AI assistant Google Assistant.
Google has been using AI to make it simpler for specially-abled people to interact through Morse code technology.
Google AI can now write words depending on the Morse code input.
Google’s implementation will replace the keyboard with two areas for short and long signals and users can use many words suggestions above the keyboard just like on the regular keyboard.
The company has also created a Morse poster so as to learn Morse code easily. Google is combining Morse code input to its mobile keyboard.
It also added AI capabilities in photos, Gmail and Google Assistant which is now present in nearly every consumer-centric device.
Google has proved that it is the well-deserved tech giant and can really contribute miraculous to society with the technology. The future still holds a hell lot of potential and the Google AI team “Medical Brain” is still exploring the vast areas of AI and Machine learning.
To know more about AI and its potential for your business, contact us. We are a top mobile app development company in the market, we have hands-on experience in implementing AI and ML in mobile apps.
The tech giant Google’s AI system now can tell you when will you die. By investigating a patient’s medical record deeply it will estimate the number of days the patient will spend in the hospital and what are the chances of death while staying under care. Google is still exploring the vast potential of Machine learning and AI.
About The Author

Aakash Soni
Aakash Soni is the Operational Head at Auxano Global Services, a complete Software development company that has been recognized by Clutch for its achievements and client satisfaction. He is a Master in Trending Technologies and has been involved in developing and implementing several innovative projects, including Entrepreneurial Trends, Data Analytics, Retail Technology ecosystems, Internet of Things, and Blockchain. He has an eye for spotting opportunities and is a strong advocate of disruption through technology and innovation. He has worked with Fortune 500 companies and helped many startup firms to rise in the market. He is leading the Auxano Global Services team to help clients leverage disruptive technologies like Blockchain & AI to deliver transformative business outcomes.